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Navitas English recognised for playing a vital role educating vulnerable communities on COVID-19

By Emma Prineas | August 27, 2020
Screenshot of three individuals on a zoom call.

Navitas English staff were recently recognised by NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian for their work at demystifying concerns around the COVID-19 pandemic with an online webinar series called “Ask an Expert”. 

Presented in association with Core Community Services and the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, the web series particularly focused on vulnerable communities located in the ethnically and linguistically diverse area of South West Sydney (Liverpool & Fairfield).

The full article can be found here:

If you’re interested in catching one of the “Ask an Expert” webinars, click here for the schedule.

Notice: On 1 December 2021, Navitas English changed its name to Navitas Skilled Futures. This name change reflects our programs, the focus of our work, and our positive impact on the people we serve. Find out more here.


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