Navitas Skilled Futures’ tender success to expand services and reach

Navitas Skilled Futures is proud to announce an expansion of its services and reach, following two successful tenders with the Commonwealth Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) this month.
Navitas Skilled futures will now offer its Career Transition Assistance (CTA) program beyond the Sydney Greater West region, into the Murray and South East region of South Australia. The CTA is focused on helping mature age job seekers, aged 45 and over, to become more competitive in their local job market.
Navitas Skilled Futures will also add Employability Skills Training (EST) to its suite of offerings, delivering this new program in the Sydney Greater West and Illawarra regions of NSW and Brisbane South East and North West County SA regions. EST delivers pre-employment, employability skills and industry-focused training to jobseekers, plus work experience placement.
Navitas Skilled Futures General Manager, Jetinder Macfarlane, says these five-year contracts, which commence on July 1, are a welcome addition to current offerings and a wonderful opportunity to bring the expertise and experience of Navitas to these new communities.
“We are delighted to continue, and build on, our partnership with the Department of Education, Skills and Employment through these two essential programs,” Ms Macfarlane said.
“The outcomes of these tenders reinforce our strong reputation and track record of delivering high quality services with successful outcomes for jobseekers. We look forward to bringing our dedicated teams and our innovative practices, such as core digital delivery, to new regions to assist jobseekers and support the industries and communities which will benefit from their new and improved skills.
“Since 1990 Navitas Skilled Futures has helped transform the lives of more than 300,000 people through its growing program offerings, focusing on positive outcomes for settlement, education and employment. We are proud and privileged to be working with new jobseekers, businesses and communities to ultimately contribute to a better Australia.”