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Navitas Skilled Futures & Welcome Merchant: Empowering Refugee Entrepreneurs

By Emma Prineas | July 29, 2024

The journey for refugees leaving their home country to immigrate to Australia can involve a myriad of challenges. Some individuals arrive with little more than the clothes on their backs and many have no family in Australia to lean on as a support system.

However, refugees and migrants bring unique, significant skill sets into our country. In fact, the most recent Billion Dollar Benefit report estimated a $9M benefit in unlocking the ​potential of migrants and refugees.​

With the skills and knowledge refugees bring to Australia, paired with the resilience of overcoming challenges, they have a long history of entrepreneurship and are in an incredible position to launch new businesses here.  

One organisation that proudly supports refugee and migrant entrepreneurs is the award-winning social enterprise, Welcome Merchant. 

Navitas Skilled Futures (NSF) has partnered with Welcome Merchant to support and amplify the stories of these inspiring refugee entrepreneurs. As part of this collaboration, NSF shares the latest advice on essential skills and tools that refugees and migrants can use to start their own businesses in Australia. 

​​​The partnership between NSF and Welcome Merchant highlights the transformative power of education and support programs for refugees, enabling them to contribute to their communities and the economy in a meaningful way. 

Profile photo of Marjorie Tenchavez, Welcome Merchant founder

Marjorie Tenchavez, Welcome Merchant founder

Welcome Merchant: Transforming Lives through Entrepreneurship

Founded by Marjorie Tenchavez, Welcome Merchant is dedicated to empowering refugees and ​​people seeking asylum entrepreneurs. In 2023, Marjorie was named an NSW Humanitarian Award recipient by STARTTS & Refugee Council of Australia, Social Entrepreneur of the Year by Third Sector Awards, and Asian-Australian Leadership Award from the Asian-Australian Alliance in the Community & Advocacy category.

The organisation provides a platform for these underrepresented groups to showcase their talents and businesses through a free online directory, skill-building workshops, and various cultural events. 

“We’re a certified social enterprise, providing a free platform to artists and entrepreneurs who also identify as ​​refugees and people seeking asylum. We do this through social media channels and an online directory,” Marjorie says. 

“We also run events in partnership with some of these entrepreneurs and artists, including pop-up lunches and dinners, markets, and art exhibitions. We even did a fashion show last ​​year and we recently finished a Short Story Film Festival in Sydney and Melbourne. The Sydney festival was co-sponsored by NSF!” 

Many refugees face multiple challenges, such as a lack of connection or support system, communication barriers, and limited digital literacy, which can hinder their business success.

“Learning English is essential to help refugees start their own businesses. We’ve featured over 140 entrepreneurs and artists since we started in 2020 and we’ve learned that limited English can hinder a person’s ability to thrive and expand their business”

Marjorie Tenchavez, Welcome Merchant founder

She shares the story of an entrepreneur who relies on her children to translate for her, making it difficult to manage tasks like social media or business legalities. 

“Due to her lack of English skills, she has to ask her kids to help her, which can be frustrating. Then there are other issues where you must have English skills, such as setting up an ABN, a domain name, or taking care of legal issues when setting up a business. Learning English through Navitas would be my best advice for new arrivals.”  

Offering a range of courses designed to help migrants and refugees improve their language, literacy, numeracy and digital skills, NSF’s programs are an ideal first step for new Australians looking to enhance their confidence. And better yet, our courses are Government-funded, meaning they’re completely free!

We recommend starting your NSF journey by completing our Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). This course not only aims to improve communication and digital skills but also provides valuable networking and partnership opportunities that could assist your business growth journey. 

Several NSF students are listed on the Welcome Merchant directory, showcasing their journey from learning English to becoming successful entrepreneurs. One notable example is a former refugee from Afghanistan who now runs Community Constructions, a social enterprise in Sydney.

“He has won several high-profile awards, including a ​​Westpac Social Change Fellowship. He is now giving back to his own community by employing refugees in his construction company,” Marjorie says. 

Another inspiring story is that of Star Sweet Patisserie; a bakery in Fairfield, southwest Sydney, founded by a Navitas graduate.  

“There are many local businesses wanting to support refugees in the community,” Marjorie says. “Welcome Merchant runs free skill-building workshops for entrepreneurs. We’ve also been able to run many events for free, thanks to businesses offering their spaces and support for our mission.” 

Marjorie’s vision and passion continues to drive Welcome Merchant, inspiring many to support and uplift refugee entrepreneurs across Australia. 

“Overall, our goal is to help refugees and people seeing asylum ​​overcome challenges and achieve their entrepreneurial dreams”

Marjorie Tenchavez, Welcome Merchant founder

If you are located in Western Sydney, Melbourne or the ACT, contact Navitas Skilled Futures to find out if you are eligible for the free, Government-funded AMEP. If you’re in a different area, you can find your local provider here.  

​​We’re here to help you to build a better future and reach your goals of starting a business. Contact us on 1300 798 111, email or click here to find out more or enrol.​​​

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