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Japan to learn lessons from our AMEP

By Fiona West | May 19, 2021

A journalist for Japan’s biggest circulating daily newspaper hopes his home country can learn from the benefits of the AMEP (Adult Migrant English Program).

Sydney Bureau Chief of The Asahi Shimbun, Tetsuo Kogure, visited the Bankstown campus in April to speak to staff and students about the program and the Australian Government reforms, which have now come into effect.

His article will potentially be seen by close to 5 million readers in the educational news page of The Asahi Shimbun‘s Japanese print edition.

“Japanese society has been increasingly accepting migrant workers in recent years and is expected to do [so for] their families in near future too,” Mr Kogure said.

“But there are no similar language programs run by the national government so far, although Japanese language is indispensable and very hard for them to be competent in not only speaking and listening to, but [also] writing and reading.

“A program like AMEP is really
a good example for Japanese society to support more and more people migrating from abroad.”

It is the second time Mr Kogure has visited Navitas Skilled Futures at Bankstown, writing an article in May 2019 on the AMEP as part of a series of reports on English education in Australia. 

On this occasion he sat in on two classes and interviewed Academic Team Leader Aaron Caulfield and GS Contracts Manger Steven Endres, as well as three students from the Level 2 class.

The article, which is subscriber based, can​ be viewed ​here:​

A longer version has also been published online here (English translation available):​.

Two men talking while sitting at desk


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