Essential Services for when you settle in Australia
Welcome to Australia! For those that have settled in this lucky country there are a number of essential services that you should know about to help you. These services range from employment preparation, healthcare, education, housing, legal assistance, and social support. By gaining access to these services, Australia aims to empower migrants and refugees to build a strong and secure future, while experiencing a sense of belonging. Make sure to print out this list and place it somewhere where you can see it or bookmark it on your phone for quick and easy access should you need it.
Looking for a Job
Employment Services are here to help you prepare for the job market, get access to a network of support, professional clothing / attire and development tools to get you ready for interviews and gain employment when you arrive in Australia.
Dress for Work: 02 8709 0200 (Men Only)
Dress for Success: 1800 773 456 (Women Only)
Services Australia
This is a list of support services delivered through government programs that are here to help you access everything from employment to financial payments, health services and disability services.
Centrelink – social security payments and services to Australians: 131 202
Medicare – public healthcare system: 132 011
Child support – child payment support: 131 272
Jobseekers – Financial help if you’re between 22 and Pension age and looking for work. It’s also for when you’re sick or injured and can’t do your usual work or study for a short time: 132 850
Students and Trainees: 132 490
Families: 136 150
Disability and Carers: 132 717
Government Support and Services
This is a list of essential human helpline, settlement, and utility services like water and phone connection that are important to help you set up your home in Australia and to keep your family safe.
Service NSW: 13 77 88
Sydney Water: 13 20 92
Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW: 1800 246 545
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman: 1800 062 058
Settlement Services International (SSI): 02 8713 9200
CORE Community Services: 02 9727 0477
NSW Sexual Violence Helpline: 1800 424 017 (24 hours)
Links2Home – homeless services: 1800 152 152 (24 Hours)
Social Support
These social support numbers and helpline numbers provide confidential supporting services for every member of society from counselling to refugee support, youth to addiction issues like smoking and gambling.
Youth Off The Streets – supporting homeless and disadvantaged young people: 02 9330 3500
Gambling Help Online: 1800 858 858 (24 hours)
NSW Quitline – confidential helpline for quitting smoking: 13 78 48
STARTTS Refugee Support Services – refugee and asylum seeking support services: 02 9646 6700
The National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line: 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732)
Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS): 131 450
NSW Refugee Health Service: 02 9794 0770
The Smith Family: 1300 326 459
The Salvation Army: 13 72 58
The Australian Red Cross: 1800 733 276
St Vincent de Paul Society: 13 18 12
Asylum Seekers Centre: 02 9078 1900
Mental Health Support
This is a list of resources and helplines you can call and access 24 hours a day if you are struggling mentally with depression, experiencing a crisis, suicidal thoughts or need access to urgent, confidential mental health support.
Transcultural Mental Health Centre (NSW): 02 9912 3851 or 1800 648 911
Mental Health Line: 1800 011 511
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Mensline Australia: 1300 78 99 78 (24 hours)
Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
Mental Health in Multicultural Australia: 02 6285 3100
Headspace: 1800 650 890
Beyondblue: 1300 22 46 36
Legal Services
These legal aid and assistance contacts are here for you to access professional legal aid and advice within the Australian justice system. Women and families can access specialist legal services and information if experiencing domestic violence.
South West Sydney Legal Centre: 02 9601 7777
Legal Aid NSW: 02 9727 3777
Law Access NSW: 1300 888 529
NSW Domestic Violence Line: 1800 656 463 (24 hours)
Domestic Violence Legal Advice Line: 1800 810 784
Emergency Services
These phone numbers are for urgent response emergency contacts in the event you require the police and law enforcement, urgent medical care or fire and rescue services in the event you are experiencing flood, storm or tsunami.
All Emergencies: Triple Zero (000)
Non-Emergency: 131 444
NSW Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000
Fairfield Hospital: 02 9616 8111
Liverpool Hospital: 02 8738 3000
Fire and Rescue NSW: 02 9265 2999
NSW State Emergency Service (SES): 132 500 (emergency assistance) or 138 737 (general enquiries)
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