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Educators from south-west Sydney selected to visit newly built eco-block school in Indonesia

By Fiona West | April 12, 2024

Meet the two Navitas Skilled Futures (NSF) trainers from south-west Sydney who have been selected to visit Indonesia and see the transformative impact of the Navitas Education Trust’s (NET) funding of a new eco school building. 

From a competitive pool of applicants from across the world, NSF trainers and assessors, Shelley Barons (NSF Liverpool), and Sheera Lee (NSF Bankstown) were selected by Navitas CEO, Scott Jones, to visit the NET partner projects by Classroom of Hope, an organisation committed to constructing schools in rural areas of developing countries. Navitas is dedicated to transforming lives through education, both in Australia and internationally, with over 50,000 students learning at Navitas’ global network of colleges and campuses. Over the past 10 years, Navitas, through NET, have partnered with forward-thinking and sustainable organisations, like Classroom of Hope, to bring education to disadvantaged communities around the world.  

NET funding has been instrumental in supporting Classroom of Hope’s initiatives, including the construction of eco-block schools on the island of Lombok, Indonesia, and sustainable development projects in Cambodia. Through Navitas staff contributions, 13 schools have been successfully built, providing vital educational infrastructure to underserved communities. 

During their visit in late April, Shelley and Sheera will have the opportunity to explore the newly constructed eco-block school in the remote community of Lombok. They will also visit the eco-block factory on the island, where innovative, earthquake-proof building blocks are manufactured from recycled plastic. 

Shelley shared her elation on being selected for the upcoming trip and chance to learn more about the sustainable building of schools in the region: “It is an amazing opportunity to meet the wonderful Indonesian team and see the incredible work they have done, rebuilding schools and homes out of recycled plastic bricks following the devastation of Lombok after the 2018 earthquakes.” 

“I would like to congratulate Shelley and Sheera for being selected for this educational opportunity, which reflects their passion for community development and their dedication to making positive change in the world. They are an inspiration to all of the staff and students at Navitas Skilled Futures.”

Navitas Skilled Futures General Manager, Jetinder Macfarlane

Sheera also expressed her enthusiasm and the learnings she’ll be able to share with her community once she returns: “I am looking forward to exploring the innovative eco-block school building project and engaging with locals, which will provide valuable insights and an enriching experience for me to share with people back home.” 

The Navitas Education Trust supports education-focused projects from not-for-profit organisations around the world, bringing education, resources, and opportunity to disadvantaged communities.  Find out more

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