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Employability Skills Training classes have begun

By Abhishek Dubey | August 1, 2022

Navitas Skilled Futures welcomed its first ever class of Employability Skills Training (EST) participants in Brisbane’s South East today.

It is also the first time Navitas Skilled Futures (NSF) has run a program in Queensland.

NSF Employer and Industry Engagement Officer, Jo Maxwell, said she was very excited to be launching the program in Browns Plains, and starting a full-time three-week generalist course with a small group of participants that will allow for a more contextualised experience.

“Our first participants have come from Mylestones, a disability employment service (DES) provider, so we’ll be working with them quite intensely to find out where their passion lies and what type of work they want to do. And then, at the end of the program, we will  work with employers to match participants who are suitable for relevant types of work,” Jo said.

“It’s not about just putting people into a role that is going to be suitable to their skill set, but actually something that interests them as well.”

The EST Program is funded by the Australian Government and is designed to help participants become job ready through intensive pre-employment, employability skills and industry-focused training, plus work experience placement.

Browns Plains is one of five sites in the Brisbane South East region where Navitas Skilled Futures is running the EST program. Other sites are Cleveland, Coopers Plains, Logan Central and Upper Mount Gravatt.

“This is first of many classes to come for this area, with Navitas Skilled Futures staff currently liaising with the Workforce Australia employment service providers and identifying referrals to come into the program,” Jo said.

“The program looks at upskilling participants with job search skills, interview skills and industry awareness, and we will have employer visits, so the employers will come in and actually engage with the participants and talk about their particular industry and what’s on offer. And then our role at the end of the program is to liaise with the employers and with industry and get the participants into the appropriate work.”

Jo said NSF also closely monitors industry needs in Brisbane South East to ensure program outcomes were beneficial and sustainable to participants, employers, industries and the wider community.

“We are identifying where the most need is, in regards to industry, such as retail, hospitality, community care, aged and disability support, construction or manufacturing, and then identifying interest from participants to get them involved in applying for those roles and being successful within those industries,” she said.

“The idea is to have the employers at the end of the program come in and assist with interview skills practice and hopefully get participants straight into available work. It’s all about those job outcomes.”

Jo said other EST programs being planned for Brisbane South East included a youth program, specialising in retail and hospitality, to get jobseekers ready for the influx of Christmas work that is anticipated. Also a collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) specialists to deliver EST training that is contextualised to the cultural needs of that cohort.

Navitas Skilled Futures General Manager, Jetinder Macfarlane, said it was wonderful to add the Employability Skills Training program to the NSF suite of offerings, enabling more people to reach their goals and live their best lives.

“We are delighted to be working  with the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to deliver this essential EST program in areas of need, such as Brisbane South East,” Jetinder said.

“We look forward to working with the employment service providers, local employers and industry to deliver some positive employment outcomes that benefit both participants and the local community.

“Since 1990 Navitas Skilled Futures has helped transform the lives of more than 300,000 people through its education and employment programs. We are now proud and privileged to be working with new jobseekers, businesses and communities to ultimately contribute to a better Australia.”

Navitas Skilled Futures also runs the EST program in Sydney Greater West and Illawarra regions of NSW and North West County SA regions.

For more information see: EST at Navitas Skilled Futures

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