Navitas programs in spotlight for Japan
The Foundation Skills for Your Future (FSFYF) Program ended in June 2024. Workplace-Based Training Projects are now available through the Skills For Education and Employment (SEE) Program.
Navitas English has presented an outline of its programs to Japanese public servants to help guide multicultural policies in local and regional areas of Japan.
General Manager Jetinder Macfarlane gave a 90-minute translated presentation and took questions at the Japan Local Government Centre’s (JLGC) Multicultural Seminar on Wednesday 10 November, which was held online this year due to COVID-19 restrictions.
The JLGC (also known as CLAIR Sydney) represents all Japanese prefectural and municipal governments in Australia and New Zealand and supports the development of multiculturalism in Japan. The seminar was an opportunity for Japanese public servants to learn about the policies and services in place for the CALD communities in Australia.
Of particular interest to the 40 delegates was the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP), however Ms Macfarlane also highlighted the key features, benefits and success stories for the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE), Career Transition Assistance (CTA) and Foundation Skills For Your Future (FSFYF) programs at Navitas English.
“Multiculturalism is a topic of great significance for many local governments in Japan, with the number of foreign residents increasing in both urban and regional areas,” she said.
“Japan looks to Australia as a role model for the establishment and implementation of successful multicultural policies and programs involving government, non-profit organisations and local communities.”
“We were honoured to be asked to host a session for this year’s JLGC Multicultural Seminar, to help provide an understanding to our Japanese counterparts of how Navitas English is helping people transform their lives through innovative settlement, education and employment-focused programs, which we do this in close collaboration with communities, settlement and employment providers, employers and industry.”
In Japan, the concept of people of different nationalities and ethnicities coming together to build relationships based on equality and respect in the same community is defined as ‘multicultural coexistence’. Local governments across Japan are working to push forward policies to promote this concept.
It is the second time this year that the expertise of Navitas English has been called on by Japan, contributing to a feature article in the nation’s biggest circulating newspaper, the Asahi Shumbun, in May.
Journalist Tetsuo Kogure said Japanese society had been increasingly accepting migrant workers in recent years and was expected to do so for their families in near future.
“But there are no similar language programs (to the AMEP) run by the national government so far, although Japanese language is indispensable and very hard for them to be competent in not only speaking and listening to, but [also] writing and reading,” he said.
“A program like AMEP is really a good example for Japanese society to support more and more people migrating from abroad.”
Notice: On 1 December 2021, Navitas English changed its name to Navitas Skilled Futures. This name change reflects our programs, the focus of our work, and our positive impact on the people we serve. Find out more here.